June 15, 2022

How to Immigrate to Canada using the Federal Skilled Trades Program

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How to Immigrate to Canada using the Federal Skilled Trades Program

Have you been looking at the Skilled Trades Program for immigration to Canada and just don’t know where to start? You’re not alone! The government of Canada has created multiple different paths to immigrate to Canada, and it can be overwhelming knowing where to start.

If you’re planning on immigrating to Canada using the Federal Skilled Trades Program, here are some helpful tips on how to get started so that you can focus on the steps that will help you achieve your dream of becoming a Canadian permanent resident.

Steps 1–3: Preparing your application

The first step in immigrating to Canada is applying for a program. The federal skilled trades program is one of many options available and it has several steps. There are three steps you must complete: registering as a member of your relevant trade association, completing an open work permit application, and submitting all necessary documents.

Each of these requires its own supporting documentation, so make sure you’re working with trusted professionals who can help guide you through each step correctly—particularly since missteps will delay your application and potentially disqualify you from being accepted into any Canadian immigration programs.

It might be tempting to try and save money by doing things on your own, but hiring a professional can not only help you avoid costly mistakes, but also help speed up your application process significantly. If you have questions about how to apply for Canada’s Federal Skilled Trades Program, contact us today!

How to Immigrate to Canada using the Federal Skilled Trades Program

Steps 4–6: Applying for permanent residence

Below is a checklist that you need to complete. Have your references and documentation ready. Make sure you’ve got all of your documents in a file and prepared for easy reference during your interview. The same applies for letters of support, educational documents (if applicable), transcripts (if applicable), etc.

Any reference letters should be on professional letterhead or email correspondence with either letter-head or business name with address, email, phone numbers and contact person info included at least once on each document written by each reference listed on your application form.

If you are applying as an independent worker, have your employer submit their own letter stating they are aware of your intent to apply for permanent residence and they support it. If applicable, include any other relevant information such as: proof of membership in organizations; copy of diploma/certificate; reference letters from previous employers;

copies of any awards or prizes won; membership lists from clubs/associations/societies; certificates from courses taken or workshops attended; evidence of volunteer work performed; annual income statement for self-employed persons (including spouse); proof of ownership interest in a company (for incorporated businesses). All supporting documents must be originals – photocopies will not be accepted.

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Step 7: Getting ready for your interview

Before you walk into your job interview, make sure you are prepared. We all know that interview questions can be tricky, so it is important to get an idea of what kind of questions will be asked. The best way to answer these types of questions is by preparing in advance.

One great thing about being a carpenter is they are very personable and outgoing people so as long as they practice answering some typical interview questions they should be able to answer them easily and confidently. In addition, they should do their research on exactly what each company stands for and how they conduct themselves within their industry; doing that will enable them to speak more intelligently when making such claims about their own skillset during an interview.

Most importantly, they should try to stay calm and remember that interviews are supposed to help both parties decide if there is going to be a good fit between one another. If at any point during the interview process things start feeling uncomfortable or awkward, then it might not be worth pursuing any further.

That does not mean that every single job interview needs to go perfectly smoothly but if there were something glaringly wrong with someone’s personality or attitude then it could definitely impact their ability to succeed at said position. Just like anything else in life, finding a new career opportunity takes hard work and dedication; however, once you find one that seems like a good fit for you then everything else will just fall into place!

Step 8: The Interview

After you’ve submitted your application, you will receive an ITA or acknowledgement that they have received your application. You should also receive your AOR or assigned office of immigration (the office in which you will submit documents).

This may take a few weeks and there is nothing for you to do about it. After that time period, you can call your AOR and set up an appointment for an interview. Once again, a friend may be able to help with translations in person but many offices are more efficient if all documentation can be submitted in English.

If you don’t speak French, make sure to bring someone who does as most forms must be filled out in French as well as English. Bring multiple copies of everything so that each interviewer has one copy and so that you can keep one copy for yourself. If possible, arrange for a translator to come along with you as well. Many times translators are available at no cost through local immigrant service organizations such as ACCESS Quebec .

It is important to note that once your file has been transferred from CIC-VAC , you will not hear from them until after you have been accepted into Canada . There is no contact information given by CIC-VAC during processing and it is recommended not to contact them unless absolutely necessary.

Step 9: Receiving your Invitation to Apply

In order to file your application in GAMS, you will need to first register. There is a one-time fee of $100 for individuals and $250 for corporations. Once registered, you can use GAMS at no cost until your application has been submitted.

There are also additional fees for certain services such as requesting an interpreter or videographer. If your spouse is also applying through Express Entry and if he or she doesn’t qualify under a federal economic immigration program (such as those mentioned below), he or she must pay a separate registration fee in order to apply through Express Entry.

See our guide on how spouses can immigrate under Express Entry for more information on that process. It’s important to note that once you have received your Invitation to Apply (ITA) from IRCC, it does not mean that you have already been approved for permanent residence. It simply means that IRCC has reviewed your profile and determined that it meets their criteria for eligibility. The next step is actually submitting your application with all supporting documents and completing all necessary medical examinations.

We will go over exactly what documents are required when we discuss what happens after receiving an ITA later in this guide. If you submit an incomplete application, IRCC may reject it without processing it further—which means they would not issue a decision on whether or not they approve of you immigrating permanently into Canada based on Express Entry.

Step 10) Registering in the Global Case Management System

If you’re not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, you will have to apply for a work permit. This can be done through an online system called GAC Case Management System (CMS). Once registered in CMS, your application is sent off to a program that helps expedite applications that meet certain criteria. In your case, it’s Canada’s Federal Skilled Trades Program.

Once your application is approved by immigration officials, you will receive a letter of introduction with instructions on how to apply for citizenship and permanent residency. At which point, you are legally allowed to live and work in Canada indefinitely.

Congratulations! You’ve made it! Now get ready to enjoy one of the most peaceful countries on earth. Welcome to Canada!

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How to immigrate to Canada as a skilled Worker?

Yes. As of May 1, 2012, Citizenship and Immigration Canada has reopened its federal skilled worker program. If you have your heart set on immigrating to Canada, now is a great time to start pursuing your application. To be eligible for permanent residence through one of CIC’s economic immigration programs (including one of the skilled trades streams), you must have: a valid job offer from an employer in Canada that has been designated as a positive Labour Market Impact Assessment; and enough funds saved up in order to support yourself during your first year in Canada. For more information about how to immigrate to Canada using any of CIC’s economic immigration programs, visit www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/.

What is the easiest program to migrate to Canada?

There are many different ways that you can immigrate to Canada, but in general, they fall into two categories: economic immigration and family reunification. In all cases, you must have a job offer or a contract of employment in your field before you apply for permanent residence. If you don’t already have one and want to enter under economic migration—this is where things get complicated. There are dozens of different programs available through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) but applying for them generally requires an advanced degree (or several years’ experience at a high level), as well as letters of reference from previous employers who have sponsored other candidates through these programs.

What is the fastest way to immigrate to Canada?

Typically, when people want to immigrate to Canada, they think of one of two options: joining family or being sponsored by an employer. In certain cases, however, skilled workers may qualify for a third option – becoming eligible under Canada’s federal skilled trades program. To find out if you are eligible for immigration via your trade skills, read on! Who is Eligible? First and foremost, to be considered for Canada’s skilled trades program, you must have at least two years of full-time work experience in a related field within five years prior to applying. Additionally, you must also have completed an apprenticeship in that field. If both requirements are met, there is no cap on how many applications can be submitted per year.

Can I move to Canada without a job?

Each province and territory has its own set of immigration rules. While each one is different, they all require an applicant (or family member) to have some kind of job or employment offer before moving forward with an application. For example, you can apply under Quebec’s skilled worker program if you have a valid job offer, and you don’t need a job offer to apply under Saskatchewan’s provincial nominee program—but your spouse must have a guaranteed job in Saskatchewan at minimum wage. To learn more about whether or not you qualify for immigration based on employment status alone, check out our guide here .

What is the age limit for Canada PR?

You must be at least 18 years old and younger than 65 on June 22, 2018. If you are between 18 and 65 on June 22, 2018, you will meet age requirement if you can prove that you have a qualifying offer of arranged employment or are enrolled in eligible pre-arranged studies in Canada. This means you can apply for a work permit as soon as your ITA is approved.

Please note that your eligibility to immigrate to Canada may change depending on what happens with NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) negotiations. Check out our guide here .

Some jobs don’t require certification: The job offered must be a trade occupation listed under Skill Type 0 (National Occupational Classification [NOC] code). For example, electrical power generation systems trades workers (NOC C23) fall under Skill Type 0. The employer does not need a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada before offering you a job in these occupations because they do not require any certification or licensing by provincial/territorial authorities.

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