Canada PR process stopped?

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Are you under Canada immigration process and facing the delays? If yes, then you must be very anxious about it. But, don’t panic as this happens to most of the applicants, especially those who are under Express Entry category. Yes, it is true that even the Express Entry aspirants face such situations where their application progress gets stopped and they can’t figure out why it happened. However, you need not worry about it and keep reading this article to find out some useful information on what caused your Canada PR process stopped and how you can resume your application process again…

Step 1. Introduction

As per Canada's economic and labor market requirement, it is essential to develop an immigration policy. There are different steps involved in developing an immigration policy by a government like Canada. According to Pivot Legal Society, a non-profit society, over 50% of applicants who have applied for Canadian PR status have been declined under Express Entry criteria.

So let us take a look at some of these steps which are followed by Canadian Government in developing an immigration policy

Therefore, even after having developed such policies there are always more challenges that need to be dealt with because world situations keep changing on a daily basis. It is therefore important that a country like Canada must adopt flexible policies that can easily incorporate modifications with respect to new norms as they arise within its jurisdictional territories.

While designing such policies it becomes very crucial that they must offer significant benefits with respect to legal protection granted on them. Therefore, countries like USA and Canada come up with policies using their own set of regulations and principles in order to make sure that their citizens can live peacefully without any threat whatsoever to their citizenries.

Step 2. Who can apply for PR in Canada?

Being a Canadian citizen is an important requirement to become a permanent resident in Canada. If you are not a Canadian citizen or don’t hold dual citizenship with another country, you must first gain citizenship before applying for permanent residence.

In addition, there are other requirements that applicants must meet in order to apply for PR in Canada . For example, if you are under 18 years of age and want to immigrate to Canada permanently with your parents, you must have your own independent immigration application and pay your own fees.

And some people who already live in Canada may be eligible for certain types of immigration applications. However, these applications may require additional documentation and extra steps beyond what is required by most applicants.

Step 3. The full list of documents you need to submit

If you have all documents, you need to go through some important steps to submit your application. You should know that not every document below is required.

It is dependant on how many reasons are given in your application. For example, if you apply for Work category, most of these documents are not needed at all! But if you are applying for multiple categories, then keep them ready as they will be asked while submitting your application.

If any of these documents missing and ask by officer at a later stage of Canada immigration system then your application will be rejected directly. This list of documents is called List of Documents Required:

Step 4. Change of visa status in Canada (either study or work)

Now it’s time to change your status in Canada. If you arrived on a study visa and want to change to a work visa, you need to apply for that at a Canadian embassy or consulate outside of Canada. This is an important step because if you don’t properly change your status, it could impact your eligibility for permanent residence down the road.

For example, if you’re studying in Canada and applying for permanent residence as soon as possible after graduation (to make sure there are no delays) but then decide to continue working for a few months, you may have issues. There will be questions about why you waited so long between studying and applying for permanent residence.

Similarly, if you arrive on a work visa and want to go back to school, you must first stop working in Canada before starting school again. If not, there will be questions about why you continued working while studying. It’s much easier to just do things right from the start!

Step 5. Temporary resident visa application

Once your application is approved, you will be sent an approval letter. This letter is proof that you are eligible to apply for a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV). If applicable, make sure you have included all documentation requested in your Approval Letter. Also included with your approval letter will be an invoice listing what TRV fees you need to pay before applying for a visa.

These fees vary depending on where in Canada you are applying from, but typically range between $100-600 CDN per person. Make sure to pay these fees within three months of receiving your approval letter. Failure to do so could result in cancellation of your application and require that you re-apply for permanent residence through Express Entry or another immigration stream.

To avoid delays, it’s best to pay these fees as soon as possible. You can also choose to pay your TRV fee online by credit card. The fee will appear as CIC on your credit card statement, which may cause some confusion when reconciling bank statements at home.

Be sure to note that you are paying CIC directly and not CIC's partner organization who processes payments: Fintrac.

Step 6. Live-in Caregiver Program

The final step of Canada immigration is applying for a visa that allows you to legally work in Canada. If you are not already in Canada and have been issued a valid LMIA, you must apply for a temporary resident visa at your nearest Canadian Visa Office.

At your visa interview, you will be required to present: proof of language proficiency (Canadian Language Benchmark 5), police certificate(s) or clear criminal background check(s), medical report proving that you do not have any physical or mental health conditions which may pose a risk to public health, entry/exit documents verifying lawful status in any other country(ies) where applicant has resided since birth.

Applicants must also prove they have enough funds to cover their living expenses while working and studying in Canada. Finally, if you are married or in a common-law relationship with a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who lives with you in Canada, you can include them on your application as part of your household size.

This means that instead of paying $490 per person as an individual applicant, each member of your household would only pay $150 to immigrate under LCP. This could make all the difference when it comes to meeting financial requirements.

You can submit an application for permanent residence through one of two streams: Family Class Sponsorship or Independent Immigration Stream.

Step 7. Work in Canada after your PR application is approved

You can apply for a work permit right after your application is approved. Keep in mind that you may be eligible to work in Canada while your application is being processed if you have a valid visitor visa and have found an employer willing to hire you under that visa. You will have to reapply for a work permit once your study permit expires, or when your working holiday visa expires, whichever comes first.

If you are planning on staying in Canada longer than four years after completing your studies, it’s important to look into getting permanent residency through any of several programs available to graduates of Canadian post-secondary institutions.

The most common way to do so is by applying for one of two streams: Express Entry or Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP). The FSWP stream requires applicants to demonstrate language proficiency, education level and work experience as well as pass a points test. Express Entry works differently;

candidates need only meet certain criteria (such as language proficiency) and submit their profile online where they are ranked against other candidates based on their age, education level, field of study etc. Points earned from these factors determine whether they receive an Invitation To Apply (ITA) which allows them to submit their full application for permanent residency status.

is Canada PR process stopped?

Canada is currently on vacation until January 3, 2018. If you submitted your application before December 22, 2017, there’s nothing to worry about—it will remain in processing until Canada reopens.

But if you applied after that date (or filed a separate work permit application with a job offer letter and an employer-signed job confirmation), then it’s possible your submission has been returned to sender because of government shutdown.

For clarity on what does and doesn’t apply during government shutdown, see: Work permits are not affected by a government shutdown or furlough. This means both new applications and extensions (including those currently in processing) will be considered as long as they were submitted prior to December 22nd.

The same applies for Study Permits. Students who have already paid their tuition deposit should also note that refunds aren’t available under these circumstances. What happens when government offices close?:

Federal government offices will be closed starting at noon Eastern Time on Friday, December 22nd, 2017 and all day Saturday, December 23rd and Sunday, December 24th.

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